Dir. Andrés Felipe Ángel
Duración: 19:31 min
Fabián, un preadolescente que vive en un barrio limítrofe de Bogotá se ve obligado a pasar la tarde jugando fútbol junto al grupo de amigos de su hermano mayor.
El letargo de la tarde se resquebraja cuando el grupo de chicos debe enterrar a uno de los cachorros de la camada que uno de ellos cuida. Mientras pasan la tarde huyendo de la lluvia, Fabián se enfrenta solitariamente a la génesis de un impulso desconocido; el primer brote de su vergonzoso deseo sexual provocado por otro hombre.
After school, Fabián, a preteen who lives in a neighborhood of Ciudad Bolívar located south of Bogotá, is forced to spend a rainy afternoon playing soccer and riding a bike with the group of friends of his older brother, led by the most developed of the guys, nicknamed "La Comadreja".
The afternoon´s lethargy breaks when the group of boys finds dead one of the puppies of La Comadreja´s litter and they must bury it. While they walk the streets of this universe fleeing from the rain, Fabián faces alone the genesis of an unknown impulse; the first outbreak of his shameful and impertinent sexual desire provoked by a man; the leader of the group.